How Does Furniture Affect Your HVAC’s Performance?

Rooms won't be complete without furniture and HVAC systems. However, each piece of furniture you add affects your HVAC's heating…

2 years ago

Why Choose an In-Duct Air Purifier Over a Portable Unit

Indoor air quality has become a concern for many homeowners in the last few years. You probably purchased a portable…

2 years ago

Why Is Your Heat Pump Humming or Buzzing?

A normally operating heat pump produces a soft, recognizable hum while working. If you hear any changes to the loudness…

2 years ago

How to Know if an HVAC Contractor’s Reviews Are Real

Online reviews help you learn more about an HVAC company you are considering for a job. However, you have to…

2 years ago

A Comparison of Residential and Commercial HVAC Systems

Residential and commercial HVAC systems have different sizing, performance, design, and ideal location. Keep reading as Superior Air discusses the…

2 years ago

Why Is a Permit Necessary for HVAC Replacement?

You're ready to have your HVAC unit replaced or upgraded. Now, you just need to get a permit for your…

2 years ago