Reasons to Invest in a Professional HVAC Maintenance Plan

6 years ago

If you want your HVAC system to work properly all year round, investing in regular HVAC maintenance is essential. Professional…

Why It’s Necessary to Install a Properly-Sized HVAC System

6 years ago

Improperly-sized heating and cooling systems waste energy and make the interior of your home feel uncomfortable. Like Goldilocks, your home…

Opening the Windows vs. Keeping Your Air Conditioning On

6 years ago

Mythbusters has proven that rolling down your windows instead of turning on the air conditioner while driving is better for…

What Is AFUE & What Does It Say About Furnaces?

6 years ago

Annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE) is the metric used to determine the energy efficiency of furnaces. AFUE is the ratio…

Troubleshooting a Furnace That Doesn’t Emit Heat

6 years ago

Your furnace does only one thing—produce heat to make your home comfortable. There’s something wrong with it, however, if it…

Tips on Improving Your Heating System’s Efficiency

6 years ago

An efficient heating system has a longer expected lifespan, can be counted on to provide heating when you need it…